My #1 Amazon Bestselling Book: You Always Know: 4 Step Guide for Empaths to Stop Second Guessing & Trust Your Intuition is for empath mamas (or wannabe mamas) who want to heal generational trauma and make their mark on the world.

Women who know there’s more to life than the mundane.

Women who want more for themselves and their children than the status quo.

“I hope you know that you are not broken. You’re covered by layers of armor you’ve used to protect yourself, to survive your upbringing and a fear-filled world.

I’ll help you shed that armor in the knowing that what’s underneath is much more powerful than you realize. That it’s safe, finally, for you to be powerful and also loved.”

About the Author

In 2015, an aura reader told Ciara she was meant to be a spiritual teacher and leader. She thought the lady was crazy, but trusted a tiny gut feeling to look into it. Since then, Ciara has helped thousands of people with her intuitive work, often getting the high praise of, “how did you know that?!”

After realizing that EVERYONE can develop their intuitive and psychic abilities, Ciara started a business to spread the message. As an empath with powerful clairvoyance and clairaudience, Ciara leans on her intuition to guide all decisions in her life. This led her on a pilgrimage to Egypt, a cross country adventure that saved her marriage, and the empowered home-births of her two sons.

Personal AF Practical Magic

By sharing stories of my struggles with trusting myself and the ancient wisdom I’ve tapped into, I hope to help you overcome analysis paralysis, self-doubt, and stop second guessing yourself in 4 simple steps so you, too, can develop a strong connection with yourself, trust your intuition with confidence, and have the courage to take healthy risks that will create the life you truly desire.

Honest & Spicy

In this refreshingly honest and spicy how-to guide, I’m giving you 4 steps split into 22 quick chapters, full of raw and mystical personal stories, solid advice, clear exercises, and the occasional kick in the ass helping you to: 

  • Learn to trust what you’re feeling with confidence
  • Heal yourself & break cycles of generational trauma 
  • OWN being a profoundly intuitive woman 

By the end of You Always Know, you’ll understand the unique language YOUR intuition is speaking, how to trust it enough to make gut feeling decisions, how to take good care of your sensitivity, and how to confidently walk in the knowing that you’re psychic AF. 

It’s Time to Freaking Trust Yourself!

“If you take leaps of faith even though you cannot see how Spirit will support you, you will be vindicated. Your intuition will be validated. It may take time, but you always know. You always know what’s best for you; you always know what path you should be following. You always know, deep down, exactly who you are and what’s possible for you. It’s scary and powerful, and it is safe for you to be powerful.” -You Always Know

“Ciara has a unique ability to take seemingly complicated topics and make them simple to understand while also keeping your attention. 

By reading this book you’re sure to be able to tap into and use your intuition to improve your life. Ciara’s vulnerability has a powerful way of showing you what’s possible as she gives you the simple steps to tap into your own intuition.” 

-Krissy Chin, podcast host and author of Sell While You Sleep

You Always Know is the comprehensive guiding light we all need to dust off our third eye chakras and move into an intuition-led life.”

Through You Always Know, Ciara has thoughtfully transcribed the often abstract worlds of clairvoyance and beyond into a relatable and down-to-earth masterpiece. I highly recommend You Always Know to anyone who is looking to transform their relationship with their intuition, no matter if you are a curious beginner or a woo-woo veteran: powerful insights, activities, and an overall fun time are all contained in this book.”

-Savannah Rose Johnson, podcast host, author of Ghosts & Letters, and CEO of Eclipse Evolution

“Author Ciara Rubin is vulnerable, candid, playful, yet brutally honest, in providing a down and dirty way to help you dive DEEP into yourself.

You Always Know took me on a journey into my own shadows and gave me clear exercises to help me heal and learn to trust myself. I learned I am deeply clairsentient, and because of this book I’ve learned to trust what I’m feeling in my body with confidence. This book is a goldmine no matter if you’re new to intuition development, or an old pro.”

-Jessica Anderson, author of My Body Says and My Body: I Say Yes or No

“You are a powerful spiritual being with many abilities right at your fingertips. Your intuition is just the beginning. My hope for you is that you commit this process that you’ve learned in this book to your cellular memory, deep into your bones.

And that forever more, as you walk through this life, you remember that you can walk between worlds. That it’s not only safe to do so, it’s your calling.” -You Always Know

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