If you wanna do BIG things: break cycles of generational trauma, build a loyal community you can serve, and be fabulously wealthy, you came to the right place! 

Your intuition cuts through your overthinking, lights the way to your biggest goals and dreams, and motivates you to make that shit happen.

I’ll show you how your intuition is *trying* to speak to you (even if you don’t trust it yet)

Ready to literally go for your actual goals, without getting bogged down in the to-dos?

No more getting stuck.  Or feeling like you don’t have the time + energy for YOU and your goals. 

Grab my FREE Guide to learn how to move into confident action in 6 easy steps!

You feel like you don’t have time to work on your passion. You feel guilty taking time away from your child while they’re awake. When you do have the time, you’re overwhelmed with all the to-dos, and this keeps you stuck in indecision.

“Which social media platform should I be on? How much do I post? Wtf do I post!? Do I need a website? How do I make a freaking website?! What’s my “niche!??”

Yeah? Girl, I see you.

Your intuition will show you how to make time to work on yourself and your business. It cuts your decision time in half. You’ll choose a direction and start taking action. Action eliminates anxiety.

To be the best mom you can, you have to show your children an example of someone who’s going for their dreams. 

Your intuition will never let you stay in your comfort zone, but it’s confident AF and when you trust it you’ll feel lighter.

Today it’s a different story. I know who I really am and I’m BEING her. I achieve anything I set my mind to as I follow the guidance of my intuition. I wrote a dang BOOK. I’m a featured speaker at live events. I show up on social and my email list grows daily. All while homeschooling my beautiful boys.

Let me show you how!

My mission is… To honestly share my journey with spirituality so that women learn to trust themselves again, and feel deep satisfaction in becoming all of who they are.

Here’s How I Can Support You:


If you wanna meet the version of you who’s a confident & intuitive AF leader, take my Free Intuition Archetype Quiz.
In 2 min you’ll know exactly how your intuition works and HOW to make it work for you. 

5min Accurate AF Tarot Guide

Stop feeling overwhelmed by Tarot cards and discover how to instantly have clarity on that decision or situation you’ve been overthinking. 

Make feeling confident in what you’re intuitively getting EASY

Read my #1 Amazon

Bestselling Book

You Always Know: The 4 Step Guide for Empaths to Develop & Trust Their Intuition
By sharing my story of struggles with trusting myself and the ancient wisdom I’ve tapped into, I’ll help you overcome self-doubt and anxiety in 4 simple steps so you, too, can develop a strong connection with yourself; and have the courage to take healthy risks that’ll create the life you truly desire.

Meet Ladies who are Doin’ the Werk

“Before working with Ciara I thought I’d done a lot of good mindset work. I’ve done a lot of self-improvement stuff, and I thought I knew what my challenges were. Since working with her the biggest shift for me was really getting in touch with some underlying obstacles and self image things that I didn’t know were affecting me as much as they were. 

I now feel way more in touch with who I really am. I do feel confident that I’m able to step into my own. Honestly without the sessions with Ciara I don’t think I would have been able to do that. She really helped me connect and become vulnerable to some of the issues I needed to work through, and through that vulnerability I was able to be more confident.

I love working with her because of her honesty and her intuition. It felt like talking to an old friend. She’s such a true genuine person, and I think her ability to know you so quickly is an amazing skill that you can’t find anywhere.”

– Stephanie Lombardo

Review for #1 Amazon Bestseller: “You Always Know”

“Author Ciara Rubin is vulnerable, candid, playful, yet brutally honest, in providing a down and dirty way to help you dive DEEP into yourself. 

You Always Know took me on a journey into my own shadows and gave me clear exercises to help me heal and learn to trust myself. I learned I am deeply clairsentient, and because of this book I’ve learned to trust what I’m feeling in my body with confidence. This book is a goldmine no matter if you’re new to intuition development, or an old pro.”

– Jessica Anderson

“Before working with Ciara I struggled with confidence and trusting my intuition. I had this fear that I was going to get things wrong or it wasn’t going to be “right.” The biggest shift for me came from Ciara teaching me my primary intuitive sense. Then I could really lean into and practice that, to build the confidence to trust myself more. 

What I love about working with Ciara is that she has so much confidence in you. I didn’t have that confidence in myself in the beginning, but she believed in me. That helped me to believe in myself and build my confidence. Her energy is just so beautiful, wonderful, uplifting, and encouraging that it made things fun! 

I love that I can lean into my intuition more. One thing that makes her so different is that she reminds us that we don’t have to come from a family lineage of intuitive people. That we’re all born with these gifts, and we just need to lean into them.

– Steph Westfall

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